To give by BACS online transfer:
Name: PCC Sandwich Parish
Account Number: 02762982
Sort Code: 30-93-34
Ref: Please give your donation a reference we can trace (e.g. ‘JohnSmith’ for donations in memory of John Smith).
If you are able to GiftAid your donation (at no additional cost to yourself), please click here to download a GiftAid form and then email it, completed, to the Parish Office at – or send an email with the same details in it, without having to fill in the form.
Thank you very much indeed, your generosity is much appreciated.
The most convenient way to give regularly is via the Parish Giving Scheme. Click here to download the sign-up sheet for the Parish Giving Scheme, or go to their website at This scheme acts like a direct debit, whereby your donation will automatically transfer from bank account to bank account upon your nominated day, but it has the great advantage of allowing us to claim back Gift Aid extremely quickly, and giving you the option to easily alter your regular giving with inflation. For more information please see the separate Parish Giving Scheme leaflet and sign-up sheet. The PCC asks each person who wishes to give regularly to consider whether they could use the Parish Giving scheme, to allow us to budget with greater accuracy and to reduce the workload of volunteers.
Tokens will now be available which can be given to represent ‘digital donations’ when the Collection is taken during services.
In recent years our regular giving has decreased noticeably. Perhaps this is a time, as we embark on the Warm Welcome Project together, to consider an increase in your giving? If 10 people give £1 a week, that is £40 more for St Clement’s each month. If 10 people give £15 a week, that is £650 a month. No one should feel the need to give beyond their means, but if each person gives what they can we can tackle our operating deficit.
We do, however, of course remain extremely grateful for any donations given – including by cash. We are also aware that not everyone is in a position to give a financial donation. No one should feel under any pressure to give, nor excluded from St Clement’s because they cannot.
Thank you very much indeed, your generosity is much appreciated.
This is a personal decision for each of us, based on our unique circumstances, and we must make it with careful thought and prayer.
In his second letter to the Corinthians St Paul encourages all Christians to give from the heart, joyfully, in love and gratitude for what God has done and entrusted to us. Giving – of time, energy, patience, attendance, and indeed money is a core part of the Christian life.
Tithing – the giving back to God of 10% of our income – has a strong basis in scripture, and can be a good starting point for our prayer and deliberation. Some may need to give less than this, while others may be able to give more.
The Diocese of Canterbury’s finances are entirely separate from the Cathedral, from the Archbishop’s work at Lambeth Palace, and from the Church Commissioners (the body who manage the Church of England’s historic endowment fund, which is most of the CofE wealth). Canterbury is the second poorest Diocese in the Church of England by assets per capita, and faces difficult financial decisions.
83% of the Diocese of Canterbury’s income is made up of Parish Share payments. This helps to pay for clergy stipends, the upkeep of Rectories and Vicarages, the team around the Bishop of Dover, and Diocesan staff including the safeguarding team, the children and young people’s advisor, Archdeacons, the team who oversee changes to Church fabric, and others who regularly support our Benefice with advice and guidance.
Our PCC contribute more than Churches in less affluent parts of the Diocese, in order that the Gospel may be proclaimed to all, regardless of wealth. Jesus Christ was born not in a royal house or hall, but in a stable cold and dark, and it is a scandal to his Incarnation if clergy are only deployed to places where they can be afforded directly by local congregations.
Therefore, although our Parish Share contribution makes up 60% of our expenditure, not only do we receive a great deal in return but it is vitally important that we continue to contribute what we can towards the central funds from which we richly benefit, and our brothers and sisters across this Diocese with fewer resources than our own.
There is an important ongoing public conversation about how the Church Commissioners could support parish ministry through the CofE’s historic wealth, but even if hypothetically every penny of income from their endowment fund was distributed evenly across all parishes each would only receive £8,000 a year (and a means-tested formula would reduce our share further).
Much of what we know about the history of our building comes from Wills of centuries ago, through which those who went ahead of us left the foundation of the Church we rejoice to be a part of today. No matter how large or small a gift, leaving something to St Clement’s in your Will ensures the future of our building, mission, music, and prayer and leaves you with an eternal connection to St Clement’s.
Legacies left to the general charitable purposes of St Clement’s allow the PCC to use them where they are most needed, which may be in areas unforeseen at this time. Alternatively, a Legacy may be left to go towards a specific purpose or aim, and we are able to accept gladly individual items or property, though we recommend you speak to the Honorary Treasurer or Rector first to ensure that your wishes can be followed out as fully as possible.
Thank you for considering joining those who have secured the future of St Clement’s over many centuries.
God grant to the living, grace; to the departed, rest; to the Church, the King, the Commonwealth and the world peace and concord; and to us and all his servants, life everlasting.
The PCC are unable to offer financial advice,
but the following wording may assist your
solicitor or professional advisor:
For a General Residuary Bequest:
“I give the whole [or a share, for example
one half/one third, etc] of the residue of my
estate to the Parochial Church Council of the
Ecclesiastical Parish of St Clement Sandwich,
operating from St Clement’s Church Hall,
Church Street Saint Clement, Sandwich, Kent
CT13 9EH, Registered Charity No. 1201047,
to be used by the Parochial Church Council at
its absolute discretion.”
For a Restricted Residuary Bequest:
“I give the whole [or a share, for example
one half/one third, etc] of the residue of my
estate to the Parochial Church Council of the
Ecclesiastical Parish of St Clement Sandwich,
operating from St Clement’s Church Hall,
Church Street Saint Clement, Sandwich, Kent
CT13 9EH, Registered Charity No. 1201047,
and express the wish that they should apply the
money to ____. Should this area of work not be
in need at the time of my death, the Parochial
Church Council may use the funds at its
absolute discretion.”
For a General Pecuniary Bequest:
“I bequeath to the Parochial Church Council
of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Clement
Sandwich, operating from St Clement’s
Church Hall, Church Street Saint Clement,
Sandwich, Kent CT13 9EH, Registered
Charity No. 1201047, the sum of £______, to
be used by the Parochial Church Council at its
absolute discretion.”
For a Restricted Pecuniary Bequest:
“I bequeath to the Parochial Church Council
of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Clement
Sandwich, operating from St Clement’s
Church Hall, Church Street Saint Clement,
Sandwich, Kent CT13 9EH, Registered
Charity No. 1201047, the sum of £______,
and express the wish that they should apply
the money to ____. Should this area of work
not be in need at the time of my death, the
Parochial Church Council may use the funds
at its absolute discretion.”