Regular Services

Praying together is the primary purpose of the Church – it connects us with God, helping us to understand the scriptures and to find his presence among us, and it encourages us to love and minister with one another.

Our worship is unashamedly Christian but people of all faiths, or none, may attend. Whether a quiet and meditative said service, or with the music of our organ and choir, these services can be a time of restoration for anyone seeking some peace whatever their background.

Most of the time someone will be at the door to greet you and hand you any books that you may need to follow the service, then feel free to sit anywhere. We stand and sit for different parts of the service, but this is entirely optional, as is joining in with the words.

When Holy Communion is offered, all baptised Christians are welcome to share in it. All others are invited (though not required) to otherwise come forward for a blessing. To discuss any of this, please seek out a member of the Clergy or a ‘Sidesperson’ handing out books before a service.

Holy Communion

Sundays 8:00am & Wednesdays 10:00am

Lasting thirty minutes, within St Margaret’s Chapel, this service follows the Book of Common Prayer of 1662. It is a quiet, spoken service of readings, silence, and Holy Communion.

Orders of service are available in church, or may be accessed by clicking here.

Parish Eucharist

Sundays 10:30am

Lasting just over an hour, this service is supported by the singing of our Choir (except during their holidays) with hymns and anthems. Contemporary language is used for this service of readings, a sermon, and Holy Communion. The service is normally followed by refreshments, to which all are welcome to stay (though with no obligation).

The words can be found within our weekly Sunday Booklet, and an explanation of our services may be found by clicking here.